Inquiry Based Essay

Why it is so important for women to have safe access to abortions?
With the election of Donal Trump, one of the main topics of discussion has been the defunding of Planned Parenthood and the passing of new laws that restrict abortion in many ` states like Alabama and Ohio. Many people in this country along with Mr. Trump believe that abortion should not be available to women. With taking away abortion however, not only are they taking away a fundamental right they are also putting women’s health in danger. Without the access to safe abortions many women turn to other risky methods that put their lives and health at risk.
A major issue in our country right now is the attack that the government has on Planned Parenthood. Although they do offer abortion, Planned Parenthood does so much for a community. Examples of this would be emergency contraceptives, birth control, HIV services, cancer screenings, pelvic exams pregnancy testing and many more. However, many people only see the non-profit organization as an abortion clinic and don’t understand that by defunding it they are also taking away many other services. To many women, Planned Parenthood has offered them a safe, affordable abortion which is less risky than buying a pill and doing it on their own. Many laws are trying to restrict and overestimate the procedures of abortion as if to try to prevent them but do not understand that this can be harmful to women’s health. This is portrayed in the video “Planned Parenthood is Opening a Large Clinic in Illinois” . In it two doctors are interviewed who work only 15 miles form each other on two different Planned Parenthood’s, one is in the state of Missouri and the other in the state of Illinois. The purpose of this video would be to show how the overregulation of abortion is only detrimental to safe abortions and women’s health. This is shown by the fact that in the state of Illinois a person that becomes pregnant has a lower rate of dying and if they were to become pregnant in Missouri. This has to do a lot by the fact that abortions in Missouri are over regulated the requirements being 72 hour waiting period for procedure, required pelvic and ultrasound, state issued material that must be given through counsel that tries to stop women from having an abortion. The tone of this video was very critical towards the state of Missouri and their stance on abortion. This is displayed by the fact that they try to prove how the requirements their laws have in Missouri only create logistical and financial problems for women trying to access a safe abortion therefore limiting the amount of women that can get them and increase the number of women that will turn to alternative methods. The stance of this video was that these laws passed by the government do not have women’s health in mind and instead are just plain politics. One of the doctors interviewed explains that if these laws were for the well being of their citizens they would have instead expanded Medicaid as well as the funding to Planned Parenthood and their services. After searching the Now This website for the journalist that was in charge of this video and its content I was not bale to find the specific names. Currently Missouri has also tried to pass a law that would ban abortion after 8 weeks but was temporally blocked by a judge in August. The audience to this source would be anyone trying to learn more about how the state to state laws on abortion can have such an effect one women’s reproductive health and how different the extend to same procedure can be based on where you live in America due to federalism. The genre of this source was a popular media video and the genre was Twitter which is a social media platform. The language of the video shows the frustration between the inequality in the different states and what women would have to go through to get the procedure. This is shown by the doctor, “It literally feels like we’re living in two different countries,”
As advanced as our society has become, abortion is still a very taboo topic and what many don’t realize is that by not talking about it they are preventing the procedure from becoming safer for most women. In “Realizing the right to sexual and reproductive health: access to essential medicines for medical abortion as a core obligation” the audience would most likely be someone that is trying to learn about how the effects that unsafe abortions increase women mortality. The authors are Katrina Perehudoff, Lucía Berro Pizzarossa, and Jelle Stekelenburg and they have written multiple journals for the International Health and Human Rights volumes about various health issues in our society. The tone of the article was very factual and this was shown through the use of statistical jargon. The language was also very factual and focused on how when people are denied safe abortions they turn to non-regulated abortion pills. These pills can lead to immense bleeding that is not normal as well as have ingredients that can many horrible effects like extreme abdominal pain and loss of hunger for weeks. The medium was a volume 18 Biomed entrar LTD. Their academic journal was available in International Health and Human rights. Their purpose is to educated others on how important safe access to abortion is and the stance is if abortion will not be made more available, abortion pills need to be more thouroughly regulated to ensure the safety of individuals needing abortions. When government officials try to make abortion illegal they do not make the act of abortion illegal they just make safe access illegal because women will always try to find ways in which they can control their own reproductive rights even if it puts their health’s at risk. This is why abortions are among the top five causes of maternal mortality. Women should be able to decide for themselves if they are stable mentally, emotionally, financially for them to have a child because in the end no one but themselves know if they can raise a child or not.
Additionally, restrictive abortion laws are mainly just to confine what women can and cannot do as well as keep them in the traditional gender roles. The purpose of “Anti-abortion laws are an attack on our right to live with dignity and decide what happens to our bodies” was to inform those about how the government needs to be able to create an environment when pregnancy related decisions can be made free of oppression and without stigma. In the end this will only end the despair stemming from restrictive laws that will in turn help the mental health of those in need of them. The tone was very critical of how our society treats abortions and the need sof women as well as the little contrl they have over their own bodies. Thus can be seen by the anecdotes they talk about women who were even prosecuted for homicide for suffering miscarriages. The stance of the author was it is a human rigth for women to be able to have access to aforadble and safe abortions anywhere they are. By making this possible countless deaths, traumas and injuries will be prevented and overall increase the quality of life for many individuals. The author for this journal was Jaime Todd-Gher and she has experience with Amnesty International which is a non- profit global movement that campaigns to end the abuses of human rights.The audience would most likely be someone who is trying to understand how the government can help create a better environment for those in need of abortions and she uses pathos in her diction to grasp the audience emotional all side in order to convey how much these women suffer. The medium for this article was amnesty international website.
Works Cited
“Anti-Abortion Laws Are an Attack on Our Right to Decide What Happens to Our Bodies.” Amnesty International,
Perehudoff, Katrina, et al. “Realising the right to sexual and reproductive health: access to essential medicines for medical abortion as a core obligation.” BMC International Health and Human Rights, vol. 18, no. 1, 2018. Gale Academic Onefile, Accessed 29 Oct. 2019.
“Planned Parenthood Is Opening a Large Clinic in Illinois .” NowThis News,